
Are We Living In A Simulation ? (Simulation Argument)

The argument goes like this:- Reality is not what you had thought; you’re in a computer-generated reality. Our science, and technology application, have evolved from improving our abilities to measure, test, and analyze physical events by developing their mathematical models.  These models might be algorithms by which our whole universe is designed to test, and analyze us.  In the present context, Physicists and computer scientists have reached in general conclusion  that the most fundamental thing of matter is information rather than particles.  There are also ideas that our whole universe is a computer that we call a  Computational Universe.     The exact recipe (Algorithm) for life is still a mystery but the ingredients of life are simple for us to define which are energy, organic molecule, and liquid water. All of these things, that we know are necessary for life to begin on this planet exist in abundance throughout the galaxy. Then why are we alone here? It may be because we are m

The Potential Risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Fig. Fields affected with rising AI There are arguments that if machine brains (AI) could replace the human brains in general intelligence then this could replace the human as dominant lifeforms on earth. If the machine brain surpasses general intelligence then it would take no time for them to be superintelligent and we soon reach the point of Technological Singularity. According to Ray Kurzweil (an American Inventor), Singularity is a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid and its impact will be so deep that human life will be irreversibly transformed.   In the modern world, the rate of development of AI is accelerating and it continues to accelerate for a long time, and once superintelligence is achieved the system will continue to accelerate by itself, and then in a short time, we could reach the point of singularity. In the present context, there are a lot of problems in the world. Maybe it's the climate change or disputes among societie

Developing A Popular New Operating System (OS)

OS can be regarded as the brain of software in a computer system as it connects all software together by its scheduling algorithm and provides them different time slots. Designing an OS is a difficult job. It combines many components of applications such as process, thread, and shared libraries and their dependencies. Designing a new OS is quite an easy job nowadays but making it popular is a different thing. The various OS has been developed over the years but none could compete with widely known ones. It is because they don’t have a software development ecosystem as a majority of developers don’t develop software for the system. But it could be solved if developers could solve the problems faced by today's OS. These problems create challenges and opportunities for new developers to create the opportunity for developing and establishing the platform for OS development. The five areas where broad OS research could significantly improve the current user experience. These areas are d